Cast and Creative
Patrick Blindauer (Costard), Jeffrey Cummings (Boyet), Philip Hernández (Armado), Carl Howell (Dull), Sam Jones (Longueville), Keating (Nathaniel), Vivienne Claire Luthin (Maria), Kiah McKirnan (Catherine), Molly Meyer (Jaquenetta), Riz Moe (DuMaine), Carine Montbertrand (Holofernes), Naima Randolph (Moth), Michael James Reed (Forester/Marcadé), Sky Smith (King of Navarre), Laura Sohn (Roseline), Bradley James Tejeda (Biron) and Kea Trevett (Princess).
Set Design by Jason Simms
Costume Design by Melissa Trn
Sound Design by Rusty Wandall
Lighting Design by John Wylie
Music Composed by Brian Seyle and Matt Pace